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Dear Members and Friends of the Holappa Family!

We are very pleased to inform you the following:

The 7th Festival of the Holappa Family will be held in Utajärvi,  Saturday 7th July, 2018

Venue: Merilä Manor House, Utajärvi 60 km east from Oulu.

The day starts with Annual Meeting at 10 a.m., then lunch and the Festival starting at 1 p.m. The program includes recollection of the last summer tour “to the roots of Holappa Family in Karelia", "the History of the traditional Ferrymen - Roomarit - who transported across the river at Utajärvi",  "Brief Stories of Family branches" as well as music, playing and singing. If you would like to share your own Story, please contact us at your earliest convenience! 

You are warmly welcome to our Annual meeting and Summer Festival!

Seeing you in July 2018 in rafters´ Utajärvi!!

Instructions for registration

Deadline for registration is Tuesday 19 June. The registration is valid by paying the participation fee to the account FI62 5366 0720 0310 92 Holapan sukuseura ry. Write all the names of participants/payers in the section Extra information (Lisätietoja). The participation fee is 35 €/person including lunch, coffee and all the program. Children 4-12yrs /15 €, children under four free. Post-registering on the spot costs 40 €. Further information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone +358 50 559 3561 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone +358 50 384 0344.

Obs! Merilä Manor House is an excellent place for overnight too. See on website